Monday, May 12, 2008

Victorious Yahoo CEO now will have to walk the talk

Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang wanted to prove his company is worth more than the $47,5 billion- the money that Microsoft demand to buy. It will be a hard challenge, Yang wants to show how little they think of Yahoo without a takeover bid on the table. Microsoft faced with resistance from Yang and the rest of Yahoo, they withdrew its offer over the weekend. After that, many analysts believe Yahoo's stock price, which had raised up 50 percent since Microsoft' s initial offer. In brief, Microsoft is still having plan to buy Yahoo .

Monday, May 5, 2008

What do u want to bring from America ???

If I have a chance to bring something from America to my country, I think I will bring some entertaining electricity machine like laptop, cell phone, Playstation or Wii, something like that because these things are really cheap in America. The second thing I want to bring is sourvenir of Seattle. And the final thing is my University degree, and this is the most important thing I want to bring to my country.